Legal notices


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Société Anonyme with share capital of €85,901,600
Chairman of the Board of Directors
M. Pere Viñolas Serra
Registered in Paris
B 552 040 982
NAF code: 6820 B
Person responsible for the website
M. Pere Viñolas Serra
Registered office
42, rue washington – 75008 Paris
Website hosted by

Design: Agence W – 1 cours de l’Ile Seguin, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt

Webmastering : Mental Works – CS70454 Lacroix Saint Ouen, 60204 Compiegne

Photos : Johann Gendry / Thierry Lewenberg Sturm / Paul Maurer / Olivier Seignette




This website is the property of Société Foncière Lyonnaise, a société anonyme with share capital of €85,901,600 registered in the Paris Trade and Companies register under no. 552 040 982 which has its registered office at 42, rue Washington, 75008 Paris.
Under no circumstances should any information presented on this website be construed as representing an offer of sale or purchase. Users of this site have sole responsibility for any use they may make thereof.

SFL’s responsibility is limited to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information made available to visitors to its website,, is accurate.
We have made all reasonable efforts to guarantee the reliability of the information presented on this website but we accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for any consequences of using said information. In particular, we have no control over and accept no responsibility for the content of any sites accessed via links included in this website.
The SFL website,, is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SFL reserves the right to block access to all or part of the site, temporarily or permanently, for reasons of force majeure or due to server problems, problems related to the structure of telecommunications networks, technical problems or for maintenance purposes.

Access to the website may be interrupted for maintenance and/or further to any other decision by SFL.The content of the website may be modified or the site may be upgraded at any time without notice.

Intellectual property

All rights, title and interests related to the name Société Foncière Lyonnaise SFL are the property of SFL. Any use of this name without the prior authorization of SFL is prohibited. This website and its content are protected – within the meaning of the French intellectual property code – under the laws of copyright covering texts, drawings and models, as well as by trade mark law.

In accordance with the French intellectual property code and the international treaties and agreements containing provisions concerning the protection of copyright, you agree not to reproduce – other than for your own personal use -, sell, distribute, issue, circulate, adapt, modify, publish, disclose in full or in part, in any form, the data, presentation or organisation of the site or the works protected by copyright that are presented on the website without the formal prior consent, given in writing, of the holder of the copyright covering the work, presentation or organisation of the site or the data concerned.

You further undertake not to enter any data on the website which would or might modify the content or appearance of the data, presentation or organisation of the site or the works presented on the SFL website, by any method whatsoever.

For further information, contact the webmaster.




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